
The Ma­trix brings a new ge­nera­ti­on of en­er­gy products!

They have a har­mo­ni­sing ef­fect on the en­er­gy ba­lan­ce of all li­ving organisms.

The Ma­trix of Life is a fun­da­men­tal geo­me­try of the uni­ver­sal field on which all of life is ba­sed. The en­er­gi­sed Ma­trix en­er­gy con­ver­ter sti­cker en­ters in­to har­mo­nic re­so­nance with this field. As a re­sult, it trans­forms the in­for­ma­ti­on con­tent of vi­bra­ti­ons, such as tho­se emit­ted by trans­mit­ting ae­ri­als and other dis­rup­ti­ve ex­ter­nal influences.

By at­ta­ching the Ma­trix en­er­gy con­ver­ter sti­cker to win­dows, dis­tur­bing fac­tors from the en­vi­ron­ment be­co­me si­gni­fi­cant­ly mo­re bio­com­pa­ti­ble. The en­er­gy in li­ving and working spaces is si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­cre­a­sed. This is re­flec­ted in a mo­re plea­sant in­door cli­ma­te and a no­ti­ce­ab­le in­cre­a­se in en­er­gy flow.

The sti­ckers are ap­p­lied di­rect­ly to the in­si­de of win­dow pa­nes. Ide­al­ly, ap­p­ly a Ma­trix en­er­gy con­ver­ter in each direction.

The sti­ckers for win­dows are avail­ab­le in sets of 1 — 4 pieces

New Qua­li­ty – Swiss made