Isabel Blank

Appre­cia­ti­on and gra­ti­tu­de are my sup­por­ting va­lues in life.

For over 20 ye­ars I worked as a can­to­nal­ly re­co­gnis­ed al­ter­na­ti­ve prac­ti­tio­ner in my own prac­ti­ce. Du­ring this time I saw that people’s vi­ta­li­ty is in­cre­a­singly chal­len­ged by the en­vi­ron­ment of mo­dern li­ving and working spaces.

Life is an ex­pres­si­on of growth and ex­pan­si­on — and this ex­pres­si­on of life is of­ten com­pro­mi­sed by mo­dern tech­no­lo­gies and con­struc­tion methods.

The Ma­trix of Life is an en­rich­ment for every aspect of life. It ge­ne­ra­tes a co­he­rent field and har­mo­ni­ses en­er­gies. The­re­fo­re, the ma­trix sti­mu­la­tes our per­so­nal growth and brings new so­lu­ti­ons to our ever­y­day life.

I have de­ci­ded to de­vo­te mys­elf en­t­i­re­ly to this to­pic and to bring a new, in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept, Ma­trix En­er­gy Clea­ring, in­to the world, which trans­forms li­ving spaces in­to ha­vens of well-being.

With simp­le me­ans we ge­ne­ra­te a power­ful en­er­gy field that pro­mo­te crea­ti­vi­ty, growth and well-being. A gre­at ad­van­ta­ge of Ma­trix En­er­gy Clea­ring is that neit­her the ar­chi­tec­tu­re nor the in­te­rior de­sign need to be changed.

Thanks to the re­con­nec­tion with the na­tu­ral field, the en­er­gies of spaces are lifted. En­er­gies can flow free­ly again and peop­le who live and work in the­se spaces are streng­t­he­ned in their well-being, crea­ti­vi­ty and in­no­va­ti­on. At the sa­me time, the free flow of en­er­gy fa­vors con­cen­tra­ti­on and re­la­xa­ti­on. This can be ve­ri­fia­b­ly measured.

André Paul Blank

“Life is in­tel­li­gent and coherent”

From an ear­ly age, I was fa­sci­na­ted by the won­der­ful­ly or­ches­tra­ted in­ter­ac­tion that can be ob­ser­ved ever­y­whe­re in na­tu­re. Our bo­dy alo­ne is a mar­vel of nature.

I wan­ted to un­der­stand life and its workings in me and in na­tu­re. What fun­da­men­tal princi­ples are at work be­hind all the ob­ser­v­a­ble ma­ni­fes­ta­ti­ons? What dri­ves all the cy­cles and what keeps ever­ything in dy­na­mic balance?

I wan­ted to un­der­stand life in its es­sence. My time at high school and uni­ver­si­ty ope­ned the door to the know­ledge of sci­ence. La­ter, my in­te­rest in hu­man bein­gs led me to the stu­dy of psy­cho­syn­the­sis and to ma­ny trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­ti­on courses.

Howe­ver, I gai­ned the deepest in­sights from the ground­brea­king fin­dings of quan­tum phy­sics and from the wis­dom tea­chings of va­rious cul­tures. The Ma­trix of Life is one of the gifts of my ye­ars of research.

I rea­li­sed: Life is in­tel­li­gent and co­he­rent and we are part of this life. The sa­me Uni­ver­sal Laws are at work ever­y­whe­re in the uni­ver­se. We are — mo­re than most of us su­spect — co-creators.

Our in­vol­ve­ment mat­ters. Our thoughts, fee­lings and ac­tions make a dif­fe­rence — for us and for the who­le. The clea­rer we are about this and the bet­ter we un­der­stand life, the mo­re con­scious­ly we can help shape our lives. 

Em­powe­ring peop­le and en­cou­ra­ging them to re­co­gni­se, em­brace and rea­li­se their ma­gni­ficence is my passion.