An in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept that ele­gant­ly trans­forms your li­ving and working spaces in­to ha­vens of well-being.

Ma­trix En­er­gy Clea­ring har­mo­ni­ses your en­vi­ron­ment and re­lea­ses en­er­gies. Whe­re the na­tu­ral flow of en­er­gy can cir­cu­la­te free­ly, peop­le feel good. With simp­le me­ans we streng­t­hen the na­tu­ral en­er­gy flow in your li­ving spaces.

Peop­le who live and work in the­se spaces are mo­re re­la­xed, crea­ti­ve, ef­fi­ci­ent and re­sistant to stress.

The dis­co­very of the geo­me­try of crea­ti­on brings a va­rie­ty of new so­lu­ti­ons in­to our lives.

The Ma­trix of Life is a fun­da­men­tal pat­tern in crea­ti­on. The cur­ved li­nes cor­re­spond to the flower of life. They re­pre­sent the yin for­ces, ma­gne­tism. The strai­ght li­nes, on the other hand, re­pre­sent the yang for­ces, electri­ci­ty. Tog­e­ther they form an elec­tro-ma­gne­tic field — in ba­lan­ce and harmony.

The pos­si­ble ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons of the Ma­trix of Life in prac­ti­cal ever­y­day life are al­most un­li­mi­ted. With it, we can con­scious­ly con­nect with the field and bring all our cells, or­gans and le­vels of being in­to a har­mo­nious uni­son, in­to co­he­rence. The Ma­trix of Life has the po­ten­ti­al to be an im­mea­sura­ble bles­sing for us humans.

All LOVAIA pro­ducts bring mo­re en­er­gy and har­mo­ny in­to your life. They oscil­la­te in har­mo­nic re­so­nance with the field of life.

LOVAIA pro­ducts do not on­ly bring mo­re en­er­gy in­to your ever­y­day life, they al­so cap­ti­va­te with their ele­gan­ce and be­au­ty. They con­nect us with the na­tu­ral flow of life, streng­t­hen our en­er­gy field and in­cre­a­se our qua­li­ty of life.

At the sa­me time, they bring new so­lu­ti­ons to the chal­len­ges of our time. Thanks to the pro­per­ty of en­er­gy trans­du­cers, they har­mo­ni­se dis­tur­bing en­er­gy fiel­ds and their in­for­ma­ti­on con­tent. LOVAIA pro­ducts are sui­ta­ble as room har­mo­nisers and as so­lu­ti­ons for elec­tro smog of all kinds.

Empower people, make life flourish and harmonising living spaces. 

That is our passion.

Contact us.
We will gladly advise you personally.

Isabel Blank: Expertin für Raumenergie-Harmonisierungen

André Paul Blank: course instructor, researcher, author

Con­ta­ct us
Tel +41 31 901 13 60