Aura–Spray Matrix of Life

CHF 35.00

En­er­gy spray with no­ni es­sence streng­t­hens the aura



The es­sen­ces of the au­ra spray con­nect the bo­dy with its mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal en­er­gy fiel­ds. This streng­t­hens the aura.

Has a streng­t­he­ning, re­vi­ta­li­sing and har­mo­ni­sing effect.


Ma­trix Na­vi­ga­tor, no­ni essence

Ber­ga­mot, Ben­zoin Res, Grape­fruit, Cla­ry Sa­ge, Pe­tit­grain, St John’s Wort, Cle­men­ti­ne, Ro­se Ge­ra­ni­um, La­ven­der, Ba­sil, Ne­ro­li, Ylang Ylang, Ro­se, Nut­meg, Sweet Oran­ge, Gin­ger, Myrt­le, Hy­dro­lat Ro­se Balm, Alcohol

Room spray with 100 % pu­re and na­tu­ral es­sen­ti­al oils



Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Di­men­si­ons 14.5 × 4.5 × 4.5 cm


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