What is the Matrix of Life?

The Ma­trix of Life re­flects the uni­ver­sal ba­sic struc­tu­re of life. All space — from atoms and cells to stars and ga­la­xies — is built on its geometry.

The Ma­trix of Life har­mo­ni­ses our field, sti­mu­la­tes our self-he­aling powers and sup­ports our ho­listic well-being in har­mo­ny with nature.

The Ma­trix of Life is a uni­ver­sal ba­sic struc­tu­re of life. The en­t­i­re space is built on its geo­me­try. We find it in atoms and cells as well as in stars and ga­la­xies. It con­nects us with the field and thus sti­mu­la­tes our har­mo­nious being in har­mo­ny with na­tu­re, our self-he­aling powers and our ho­listic well-being.

Con­ti­nue reading…

The Ma­trix of Life is a fun­da­men­tal pat­tern in crea­ti­on. The round li­nes cor­re­spond to the flower of life. They re­pre­sent the yin for­ces, ma­gne­tism. The strai­ght li­nes, on the other hand, re­pre­sent the yang for­ces, electri­ci­ty. Tog­e­ther they form an elec­tro-ma­gne­tic field — in ba­lan­ce and harmony.

The pos­si­ble ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons of the Ma­trix of Life in prac­ti­cal ever­y­day life are al­most un­li­mi­ted. With it, we can con­scious­ly con­nect with the field and bring all our cells, or­gans and le­vels of being in­to a har­mo­nious uni­son, in­to co­he­rence. The Ma­trix of Life has the po­ten­ti­al to be an im­mea­sura­ble bles­sing for us humans.

Geo­me­try is one of the lan­guages of na­tu­re and plays a gre­at ro­le in all wis­dom tea­chings. We find the flower of life in Egypt, Iran, Tur­key, Chi­na, Greece, … Its widespread

Oc­cur­rence in ma­ny cul­tures is cer­tain­ly not a co­in­ci­dence. Just as litt­le as their gre­at po­pu­la­ri­ty and spread in our time.

Howe­ver, the flower of life is on­ly one half of the equa­ti­on. For a high­ly struc­tu­red, co­he­rent field to emer­ge, other geo­metric shapes are nee­ded. In the ma­trix of life, which is ac­tual­ly a three-di­men­sio­nal struc­tu­re, the­re are strai­ght li­nes as well as round ones. The cen­tral buil­ding blocks of the space struc­tu­re are te­tra­he­dron and oc­ta­he­dron. The who­le geo­me­try is in a sta­ble equi­li­bri­um. All vec­tors are equal in si­ze and com­pres­sing and ex­pan­ding for­ces are in dy­na­mic balance.

Our en­t­i­re bo­dy as well as our en­er­gy field are in con­stant re­so­nance with this uni­ver­sal struc­tu­re and un­der­stand its lan­guage. This can be of gre­at be­ne­fit to us. When we in­ten­tio­nal­ly en­ga­ge with the ma­trix of life, we streng­t­hen our re­so­nance with the na­tu­ral field — wi­t­hin us and around us — and be­ne­fit in a spe­cial way from the har­mo­nious and in­vi­go­ra­ting in­flu­ence that em­ana­tes from the­se fiel­ds. We are then in har­mo­ny with our en­t­i­re being and har­mo­ny and well-being set in.

Practical applications in everyday life

The ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons of the Ma­trix of Life in ever­y­day life are al­most unlimited.
Our bo­dy con­sists of 50–100 tril­li­on cells and all of them are built on the uni­ver­sal struc­tu­re of the Ma­trix of Life. Each cell in turn is ma­de up of 50–100 tril­li­on atoms — they too un­fold in space ba­sed on the Ma­trix of Life. The­se facts alo­ne show how con­nec­ted our life is to this uni­ver­sal field struc­tu­re — far bey­ond our biology.

We can harness the har­mo­nious power of the uni­ver­sal field struc­tu­re by ope­ning our con­scious­ness to it, i.e. by re­so­na­ting with it. This is how sim­ply we ac­ti­va­te the po­si­ti­ve en­er­gy of the Ma­trix of Life for our well-being.

The Ma­trix of Life brings a new ge­nera­ti­on of en­er­gy pro­ducts, be­cau­se it is al­so per­fect­ly sui­ta­ble as an en­er­gy con­ver­ter. Dis­tur­bing fiel­ds, as they are pro­du­ced by our tech­no­lo­gy in ma­ny dif­fe­rent ways, can be ele­gant­ly trans­for­med in their in­for­ma­ti­on con­tent thanks to the Ma­trix sti­cker. Thus they lo­se their dis­tur­bing in­flu­ence to a lar­ge extent and be­co­me si­gni­fi­cant­ly mo­re biocompatible.

We are con­stant­ly de­ve­lo­ping the new ge­nera­ti­on of en­er­gy pro­ducts. Check in with us regularly.

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Tree of life

The Tree of Life is a geo­metric fi­gu­re to which gre­at im­por­t­ance has al­ways be­en attached.

Sin­ce I first ca­me in­to con­ta­ct with the Tree of Life ma­ny ye­ars ago, I could not shake the deep fee­ling that its form is not com­ple­te. In 2005, in an in­spi­red mo­ment, I drew the form now at hand. It was immedia­te­ly clear to me that I had just found the form I had be­en se­ar­ching for so long. The ’new’ Tree of Life is a spe­cial 2‑dimensional re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on of a 3‑dimensional figure.

Ye­ars of re­se­arch, de­ve­lo­p­ment and se­arch for deeper un­der­stan­ding fol­lo­wed. The Tree of Life is a con­den­sa­ti­on of com­pre­hen­si­ve know­ledge. Its ex­plo­ra­ti­on, tog­e­ther with the flower of life, fi­nal­ly led me to the ma­trix of life.

The tree of life sym­bo­li­ses the hu­man being in his cos­mic con­struc­tion plan. The ma­trix of life re­pres­ents his en­t­i­re, mul­ti-laye­red en­er­gy field and his being in­te­gra­ted in­to the uni­ver­sal field of life.

Bo­th fi­gu­res pro­ve to be ex­tre­me­ly va­lu­able in prac­ti­cal ever­y­day life. They sti­mu­la­te our an­cho­ring in our en­er­gy field and in­cre­a­se our vi­ta­li­ty. Li­ke­wi­se, they streng­t­hen our in­ter­con­nec­ted­ness with the gre­at field of life.


Un­der­stan­ding life

It is about us. We are in­vi­ted to be our­sel­ves mo­re than ever. We are mul­ti-laye­red bein­gs in a mul­ti-laye­red uni­ver­se. So much wi­t­hin us is wai­t­ing to be dis­co­ve­r­ed, re-in­ter­gra­ted and ex­pe­ri­en­ced in life. We are won­der­ful bein­gs with gre­at possibilities.

Un­for­tu­n­a­te­ly, the book is out of print. We are hap­py to pro­vi­de you with it as an e‑book free of char­ge (in German).

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