Navigator Spray 50 ml

CHF 45.00

The Ma­trix of Life in li­quid form — is ide­al for rai­sing our food and drink to a new en­er­gy level.



The Ma­trix of Life in li­quid form — is ide­al for rai­sing our food and drink to a new en­er­gy level.

Food lo­ses vi­ta­li­ty and po­ten­cy on its way to us due to long trans­port rou­tes and sto­rage. Thanks to a mo­dern, al­che­mi­cal pro­cess, the Na­vi­ga­tor Spray res­to­res the food’s very own en­er­gy! As a re­sult, food and drink are much bet­ter ab­sor­bed by the bo­dy. Two to three sprays of this en­er­gy je­wel are en­ough to pre­pa­re high-en­er­gy me­nus, snacks, des­serts, etc. The Na­vi­ga­tor can be ad­ded du­ring coo­king or spray­ed over the fi­nis­hed dish. The re­sult: mo­re en­er­gy and vitality!



En­er­gi­sed and Ma­trix of Life-in­for­med wa­ter, Hi­ma­la­y­an salt en­ri­ched with pho­tons, 50 ml

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Di­men­si­ons 13 × 3 × 3 cm


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